When Sharpies Attack

 MAGAs continue streaming north out of Biloxi

I.  When Sharpies Attack

He is tweeting  'Bama again this morning. Roll Tide. Roll north MAGAs... Last night a commentator dubbed the Trump as Weatherman phenom "The I of the Storm." 

The Fox News division is now openly calling Trump an idiot as the galley slaves in the opinion studio continue (mollusk-like) to insist a game of three dimensional chess is afoot. I'll blindly bet a thousand bucks Trump doesn't know how to play one-dimensional chess.

You might have been able to somehow argue the Bobby Fischer, stable-genius theory in the wake of the Muslim ban, calling a dead Republican war hero a disgrace, or confining brown babies to hurricane fence pens with concrete floors.

But nuking hurricanes and drawing doodles on a NWS Category V storm track map? The 3D chess theory is experiencing a high-speed wobble. Another commentator suggested Trump's not playing chess at all but rather picking up pawns, sniffing at them, and popping them into his chicken nugget scented mouth. 

While America chokes on them.

The President seems obsessed with disseminating proof he is an idiot. He can stop.  We are convinced.   And the winning. All the winning (as predicted) is becoming tiresome to the point of aplastic anemia.  


The elitist mainstream media (viz: the one that employs people with journalism degrees) continues to soldier on, gamely reporting on Trump's micro-strokes as breaking news. What else are they going to do really? They tried pointing out the obvious facts that he is a serial liar and dumber than a box of rocks but that "narrative" (which had the virtue of being true) didn't get much traction.  Particularly in the Republican political establishment. And of course The Base responded: "This is why we elected him."

I'm still not sure what the other 60% of us have decided to do with that last piece of information.

II. Trade wars are good, and easy to win!

Xi: "They what? They raised the price of Soybeans by 25%?"

Toady:  "Yes Maximum Leader, should I call the central bank, start making emergency plans, and warn the proletariat of coming lean times your excellency?"

Xi: "Nope. Just call Brazil."

III. Low Taxes, Keeping the Browns Down.

Trump has discovered (in a way George Wallace never did) that demonizing minorities not only puts puts butts in stadium seats, it brings fresh meat to the polls. What Trump knew that Wallace didn't was that you had to give people a little something extra. Wallace couldn't exactly offer a Wall. As it turns out, Trump could do no better than offer one. But a miss isn't always as good as a mile. 

I don't blame the Alabama evacuees running from the tweet of their mad king for climbing down out of the trees and helping him snatch the presidency.  The MAGAs were justified, they've been on the short end of the American Dream pretty much forever.  The irony of their having elected their worst kind of enemy will forever be lost on them as they continue suffering thin purses and rage... and voting their emotions which they confuse with their pocketbooks. Emotions fueled by the oldest (and sturdiest) tool in the fascist's black box of horrors: The Other.

You really can't blame them. Trump's swing voters (the rally rats and red hats who represent the 5% slice of voters who elected him, the deplorables) are poor, under educated and economically disadvantaged. Why?  Because "people like them" (and I mean that in as loving and charitable a way as possible for a bastard like me) deserve their fate under the rules of the system we have designed.  The Left scorns them (while pretending to help them) - The Right lies to them (while pretending not to exploit them).  More accurately: Their Betters take advantage of them.  But that is the game we have chosen.  American Capitalism.  The less capable get wrenched by the more capable.  

The theory is, is that this state of affairs is acceptable because it makes everybody better off. Even the MAGAs. That may even actually be true as far as I know. Probably is true, if you're an evidence based kind of guy. (Trump it should be noted, isn't). But when you rile the deplorables up... you gotta be careful.

Trump's savant like roping of the resentment billy-goat that eluded Ross Perot a generation earlier is his world beating achievement.  And it is impressive. The President himself is not. 

Trump is an imbecilic child with delusions of grandeur, multiple diagnosable conditions which affect his judgement, and a nuclear arsenal. Any bright college Freshman could tell you what's wrong with him.  But I'll give him this:  he did lower tax rates on the richest people in America just as historically high income inequality was starting to rip the country apart.  This haves/have-nots thing was particularly pissing off The Base.  I do actually feel bad for these people.  But an idiot is an idiot and this is a very cruel country.  You pay the price for being stupid. Part of that price (a profession older than whoredom) is getting tricked by your betters.

IV. Who's laughing now?

The sting of his (spectacularly unpatriotic) drool-speech about "everyone laughing at us" is even more painful now that everyone is, in fact, laughing at us. And speaking of laughter, Putin has been  peeing on himself he's so amused. Wonder what's behind all the submissive prison sex Trump-ee-kins has been lavishing on Pooty Boy?  America's most significant historical adversary may have blackmail material on the Commander in Chief. The MAGAs laugh it off. Funny like "ha-ha" not funny like "We finally got a court order to put uncle Donny in the memory care unit."

The notion that policies any more sophisticated than mere political grunts (More Money for Me, Brown People: BAAAAD) can be successfully formulated and implemented by an administration virtually devoid of governing expertise is worse than naive. It is head in the sand stuff. Head in a chunk of solid granite stuff.

For me at least, it will all be over one way or another next November.  He will either be defeated, or I am going to move to a country with a leader who can at least spell covfefe correctly.



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